June 10, 2012

moving beyond comfort

my favorite game as a kid was library. what's library you ask? it's exactly what you think it is. i'd set out books, on my bed, which could be checked out by my siblings. yes, they had library cards. yes, you had to always be quiet. my sister HATED this game. she's a tree climbing, mud loving wild child. by my standards

i always preferred staying inside to playing with the neighbor kids. i was only friends with one family anyway. i got in trouble one time for going up to sarah's to pick raspberries (they were terrible) without telling someone. i never wanted to go back again. summers were a struggle because i like running through the sprinkler for about 10 minutes. then i'd make my mud bricks for a few minutes. then i was ready to come inside and be clean again

summer camps were not my friend. i recall going to camp precisely six times. dance camp twice, girl scout camp, lacrosse camp and two CTY summers (let's just call it nerd camp). i cried at dance camp because i fell out of a split. i almost cried at girl scout camp because i couldn't swim. i got heat stroke at lacrosse camp and missed half the week. i felt most at home at nerd camp, but there were still ridiculous camp activities after class was done. i eventually had some fun at each, but getting me to smile, talk or make friends was definitely pulling teeth

what do all these things have in common? my fear of other people and being judged. i'm sure you're all so shocked by this revelation. i've always found it hard to interact with people and relate to people my own age. it's not been until recently that i seem to have found people who get me and make me comfortable from the beginning. i was a kid who never made friends easily, which translated into an adult who had to have friends made for her. ok it's not that bad, but i do still credit claire as the biggest reason i didn't beg my mom to come pick me up a week into my freshman year of college. when you don't eat for three days because you're terrified of going to the dining hall alone, you may have a problem. claire solved that problem, and the people i met are still my closest friends

fast forward a few years to when i started blogging publicly. i started putting myself out there more and more. i got to know people through 20SB, their blogs and twitter. i attended the occasional DC meetup. i went to a few SMC-DC and -Balt events. i actually felt like a part of things and not like everyone's antisocial shadow. then, this semester, i started an internship that really forced me to face my fears around meeting people for the first time. thanks to that experience, i set a goal to compensate for it. technically, i probably set that goal without thinking when i started meeting my online peeps off the computer, but whatevs :p

my goal is to basically stop making myself part of the scenery. stop making myself less memorable. stop willing people to not notice me. i'm an introvert, but that doesn't mean i have to be shy. i can be just as bold, honest and open as i am when i'm hiding behind my droid. going to vegas was the first real step in acting on this desire to grow. the next step?

i'm going on an adventure. to new york. by myself. sorta. my dad's from new york so we went a lot before my brother was born. i wasn't the first grandchild, but i was my grandmother's favorite. i went a couple times for school field trips, but only once just for fun with friends. that was the day i vowed to never EVER drive to new york again, but damn it was a good day in the city. i did venture to long island while heather was finishing up her master's, but i don't really count long island as "the city" ;) this trip will be my first trip to nyc in four years, and i'm traveling completely by myself. that's part one of the adventure

the rest? i booked an apartment through airbnb [yes, i get a little something if you decide to sign up with that link]. staying in a random strangers home? scary shit and kind of fun. i will take every precaution possible to keep myself safe. already emailed mom all my reservation details since she was freaking out. she's not used to adventurous michelle; neither am i... i'm going to a show with alix friday night, and i'm tagging along with her sunday for the nyc pride parade (insert crazy squeeing). saturday is my REALLY BIG SCARY DAY. why? because i'm hoping to hang out with a few biscuits in the city. i already met them, and i'm still terrified of spending more time with their awesome faces. how insane am i??? i'm more nervous about hanging out than i am about figuring out the subway system [though if i can't, i can always uber my way around town - yes, another link that'll pay me if you sign up. it also pays you. just saying...]

i 100% mean it when i say i want to meet the wonderful online people i know. i would love to make trips to chicago, texas and california. i will also be a bundle of nerves before, during and after said trips if they happen. i am already a bundle of nerves about nyc, which is two weeks away... ugh, i'm a mess. i think the moral of this story is "i like you. please don't hate me" because i'm still working on myself

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Meeting blog friends has been SUCH an amazing experience - it's always fascinating, meeting someone for the first time but feeling like you're with an old friend. Enjoy your adventure to NYC!!! I grew up a few hours from there and went often. I'm hopelessly in love with Chicago, but there's really something about New York. There's absolutely no city like it.
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
thanks! that's one of the reasons i enjoy traveling! places can seem so similar to each other until you visit. everywhere has it's own unique qualities that i love to experience :)
This is an absolutely fantastic post! And I can totally relate. I almost feel like to a certain extent, the blogging community is filled with a bunch of ridiculously anxious people who just want to be friends with other ridiculously anxious people. I've wanted to meet bloggers for the last year or so now but I'm so NERVOUS. I'm hoping to get out to Vegas next year. I wanted to so badly this year, but it was too last minute and I was too nervous.

Anyway. Your blog is awesome. I like the way you write. I have no idea why I've never been around here before?! Can't wait to check out the rest of your stuff. :)

OH. and HAVE SO MUCH FUN in NYC! Seriously, I love that city and need to go back ASAP. I haven't been since 2008 and I miss it terribly!
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
thanks for stopping by! i'm glad you like what you read :) i think you're right about anxious bloggers. that's probably part of why i've found it easier to work through my issues in this community. people i meet GET IT. we've all hidden behind our phones at a meetup. we've all been afraid to say hello first. we're all afraid we're not as funny or interesting or whatever offline. and all sorts of other stuff. i love this community so much for understanding and embracing each other. awww now i'm gonna get all mushy :)

YES, PLEASE COME TO VEGAS NEXT YEAR!!! i want to meet you! i kinda wish it were twice a year so that more people could have the opportunity to attend. it's such an experience in the best possible kind of way :D
You never struck me as an introvert, were always tweeting about kind of personal stuff on twitter, we both share a lot, so definitely not an introvert to me! It's sad, we could have met each other if only our flight times would have been slightly different!

Anywho! I'm glad to hear that you are taking the jump and immersing yourself into more social activities! The Vegas trip was definitely a good start & going to NYC alone is also a good start. You'll have an awesome time, NYC is a fantastic city. I don't doubt that you'll take every precaution necessary to ensure you're safe.

I can't wait to hear more about your trip & this transformation. You absolutely rock girl, I'm so proud of you & happy for you!
1 reply · active 665 weeks ago
thanks :) it's definitely easier to open up and be outgoing online, but it's all a farce! lol i'll be sure to document my ny antics on twitter and the blog. because, for all my nervousness, i'm equally excited :D

and one of these days, our paths will cross at the right time! maybe if i ever find some time to head south. gotta see family; i can totally lump in seeing friends :)
Eff yes to your NYC adventure! It's going to be amazing and I totally get your nervous feelings. I met Caryn at BiSC last year and then when the 20SB summit happened in Chicago in August she invited me to stay with her and I was totally freaked out about seeing her in a non-Vegasy environment. We both wondered privately if the magic would hold in Chicago in a one-on-one setting and then, it totally did! BiSC magic goes far and beyond Vegas!
3 replies · active 664 weeks ago
BISC magic is THE BEST magic. glad that it extends beyond the strip :D the more i think about ny, the more the scale tips towards "ALL THE EXCITEMENT" from "OH GOD I MIGHT THROW UP FROM NERVES" hahah
I totally forgot you were freaked out about seeing me in a non-vegasy environment! That evaporated the second I saw you. YAY BISC MAGIC starts in vegas but definitely is not limited to it. Michelle- GOOD FOR YOU!! way to put yourself out of your comfort zone! Online relationships really are something special. I didn't see you as shy at all when we hung out in the room. in fact, i didn't think you were 'part of the scenery' at all. You are fantastic and I am so glad you came to bisc. Try not to let that vision of yourself stop you from being awesome. Because that is what you are! And when (not if) you come to Chicago, you best be telling me! Of course, you have a place to stay!
thanks for the encouragement, caryn. you're making me blush :) some situations are definitely easier than others, but i haven't lost hope. i am going to tackle this one way or another ha :)
I was like you growing up. I'd rather be by myself than at camp. Good for your for taking a trip by yourself. A few years ago I took my dogs up to northern michigan by myself. i was scared but it was a good weekend for me to grow. i just rented an apartment thru airbnb, i wish i would have read this first so you would have gotten credit.
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
"i was scared but it was a good weekend for me to grow." THAT is exactly it. i still have some growing to do, but i feel confident that i'm moving in the right direction right now. vegas and new york were both big first steps, and i hope to take many more in the future :)

airbnb may become my lifesaver since traveling can get expensive no matter where you go. enjoy your trip! :)

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