today started out ok. after a fabulously close win over the steelers, i got some much needed sleep. 20 min workout with neal, quick fill up at the gas station and check deposited all before 9am. i love when DST ends; i'm back on my natural rhythm. i got to work feeling like this:
i had a game plan for the day because i slacked this weekend and had a project to push out. unfortunately, all my tech does not think i'm so very awesome this monday. i spent a good amount of time fighting everything, but i was able to get my weheartit fix... i ate part of my lunch as a midmorning snack, the rest of my lunch was disappointing and i really really want sweets (thanks, uterus). so preemptive warning that this is a sugar laced post of pretty/fun
project email has been sent so it's time for homework :p