reasons my glass is double:
- grad school papers and beating myself up for being the queen of procrastination
- canceled classes when i busted my ass for 21 hours trying to finish said paper
- still not having caught up from my lack of sleep from the last two weeks. resulting in my current fight to keep my eyes open
- changing plans because of other people
- worrying that everything i do will not be enough, and i'll lose everything i want in the end
reasons i'm loving this week:
- celebrating too many births in two few days. as busy as last week/weekend were, i LOVED celebrating. birthdays are super important to me
- sitting down and mapping out my class assignments for the rest of the semester. i am slightly relieved because i have a manageable plan for the coming weeks
- also having a new plan to keep my ass healthy with neal as my accountabilibuddy. there will be cooking and working out (and whining and naps and booze as muscle relaxant...). day one of snapping back was this morning. 20 minutes with chalene. doesn't help with the afternoon sleepies i am currently battling, but keeps me in my skinny bitch jeans. i just hope neal's alive when i get home; it was his first turbo experience
- gimme bar because i need another internet obsession. it's like pinterest, but more :) users can't invite people yet, but it only takes about 20 min to get a code if you request one
- upcoming baby shower! gift and card have been purchased; i just need to wrap everything. i can't wait to see SJ :D
so what has you reaching for that second glass (in frustration or celebration)?
onepercentofone 14p · 698 weeks ago
michelle 63p · 698 weeks ago