oh. it's over... the last few months have just flown by. it's the first official day of summer! when the crap did that happen? since it's the end, it's time for a review :)
the goals:
- drink more water
- new workouts/weigh self
- change morning routine
- tackle to do list
- stop overspending
- *bonus* perfect a baked mac n cheese
(2) i skipped bikram, but i did weigh in. not happy with this week's numbers... it's hard to really review this goal since i changed it midway. the fitness component has pretty much fallen off, while the tracking his done well. i'm weighing myself three to four times a week; only sundays weight officially counts. considering all the missteps, this is the first week i've been over my maintenance goal. i'm starting to retain water so i'm really not surprised. unhappy yes, surprised nope
(3) horrible horrible horrible bust. we lost power for 10sec the other day. when i reset my alarm, i forgot to also reset my radio presets. so my 2nd alarm, usually set to my fave station, played a dead station. no morning talking means no woken michelles. add that to the previous month and a half. another disappointment. i need to find a better balance for getting out of the house, but not falling asleep at my desk in the afternoon. i spend less time checking twitter before my shower, but that's just translated into spending more time with my eyes closed under the covers
(4) i spent sunday morning vacuuming and scrubbing. amazing how irritation can become motivation. i'm still not done with spring cleaning, but at least i'm nearing the end. overall, the to do list is looking pretty good. only three items left from the original list, and i'm in the middle of two. i did add another two last week, and i'm in the middle of one of those as well. it's taken awhile, but i finally am knocking things off
(5) summer shows killed me. it's going to be a close month, but the extra expenses are SO worth it. the last few months definitely could have been better. but given the various circumstances, not that much better. i'm still meeting my savings goals so it's not a total bust
(6) no mac making this week, but i'm thinking about what to make next week. i think i'm going to build something completely from scratch again based on what we've liked so far. should be interesting :) there have been some very good and some kinda bad recipes, but i'm having fun. bonus that now neal prefers homemade to take out mac muahahahahahahaha ;)
i need to work on doing more to feel good about myself. not that i don't feel good, but i definitely could treat myself more in small ways. the closest i came was taking a breather when i needed it. instead of going out saturday, i spent the whole day being lazy. the rest of the weekend was spent out and about with neal. saw marina and the diamonds friday; saw company and went out to dinner sunday. all around good weekend on many counts, excluding the annoying families at the restaurant. people can be such assholes for no reason
as a whole, i think i did ok on this challenge. there are a couple things i'll be carrying forward into the summer round though. it seems i'm more likely to do them if i write them down and announce them publicly :)
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via *nishe on flickr |
{follow my progress and all the weekly questions}
Hutch · 717 weeks ago
michelle 63p · 717 weeks ago
Heather · 717 weeks ago
And dang, girl! You drink TONS of water in comparison to me. If I drank that much, with my thimble sized bladder, I would NEVER leave the toilet! ;)
You're doing great!
michelle 63p · 717 weeks ago
Joyce Cherrier · 717 weeks ago
michelle 63p · 717 weeks ago