June 13, 2011

spring fever week11

Life's Journey with a Smile

this week's questions:
  1. What have you done this past week to help achieve your goals?
  2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
  3. With one week left, what is your plan?
  4. What time of day are you most productive?
  5. Fun Question: Are you reading a book right now? If so, share! If not, what was the last good book you read?
question 1: (1) stru-stru-strugglin. i almost didn't make it because of slow drinking. somehow i managed to get them all in though, and this week i'm at five glasses per day. today's going to be hard because everything's been off. i'm still gonna try though (2) weighed myself a few times last week. i've started gaining, but... my fat percentage is down and my muscle went up :) take that, scale! jesse visited this weekend so i changed up my workout routine ;) must get consistent weekly workouts (3) did much better than previous weeks; only late one day (4) finally got my blogroll updated [edit: during another update, blogger reverted the page. i couldn't get anything back so i've got back to blogroll on the sidebar]. it would be easier to use a side widget, but i hate cluttering my sidebar. i also got ride of my buttons page. same deal with the sidebar plus i realized no one was even checking it. half my "cleaning" to do list is now done, and another task has been crossed off the master list :) (5) doing ok; could be doing better. curse the allure of summer concerts! some stuff has been rescheduled so the bank account isn't getting squeezed too much extra (6) last week i used up the light cream and mascarpone. this week i used up the half n half in a cheesy beefy pasta bake. i liked the ground sirloin with pepper jack, amadeus and asiago cheeses. i did not like the thinness of the sauce: combination of the half n half separating and there not being enough to cover a pound of penne. i think it would've baked better with a thicker sauce. i think, in the future, i'll stick to light cream as the dairy base for all from scratch cheese sauces. it still tasted good and got the jesse stamp of approval though :)

question 2: i didn't do anything for myself last week... well, not to make myself feel good. some things happened that make me feel good and happy for other people though :)

question 3: ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK! i'm going to keep hammering away at my to do list, stay on track (as much as possible) to my health goals and not let little setbacks become huge obstacles. i'm already deciding my list of summer goals, carrying forward the important things from the winter and spring sets. this challenge series has helped keep me focused and on track so well. i don't want to lose any momentum :)

question 4: huh i'm not quite sure. i guess between 10am and 2pm most days. that's when i focus the most at work and, typically, when i pry myself out of bed on the weekends. i can keep going as long as i don't get distracted or run out of things to do

question 5: oh my. i'm in the middle of jonathan strange still. i'm also reading business books for MKN stuff. you can keep up with my (non)progress on goodreads (ps - are you on goodreads? be my friend? ;))

via i like this, and this, and this

semi positive photo this week. everything makes me think of jesse. i miss him and won't see him for a month :( skyping isn't the same... this cute little, mop topped nerd makes me think of the future nerds i'll be raising one day *sigh* some day

{follow my progress and all the weekly questions}

Comments (6)

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All that talk about food in your question 1 (6) is making me hungry!!

I'm on goodreads, I sent you a friend request.
1 reply · active 719 weeks ago
lol sorry. hope you got some delicious foods of your own :)

got & accepted your request! i'm a wee book obsessed so i'm always looking for things to add, which you may have noticed by now ;)
Well done on increasing your muscle mass, just think, although you may weigh a teeny bit more at the moment it's going to help you burn calories faster :) Good luck for the last week.
1 reply · active 719 weeks ago
double thanks! :)
Good luck this last week! Attack it!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

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