June 8, 2011

20SB vlog day

this video post is part of 20SB’s vlog day, and the topic is “introduce yourself”…anyone can participate! details are here.

don't you just love my awkward face? yea, me, too ;)

oh! i almost forgot...

the adorably sweet carissa from kissed a frog (and on twitter) thinks i'm full of sunshine :D i didn't have the heart to tell her she had the wrong s-word ;) (ps i mean shit) thanks, carissa!

the rules:
1. thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them
2. tell us something about yourself
3. nominate 10 other bloggers and
4. let them know that you awarded them!

so i'm gonna cheat a little bit... pretend like the above video fulfills #2 ;)

my nominations (some new and some old faves):

ria @ & that's the way life goes
erini @ adorkable me
ash @ breathing through chaos
emily @ emily jane
jenn @ bottle the crazy
heather @ heather-n-company
mandy @ knowing the difference
lauryn @ laureality
amy @ life's journey with a smile
stephany @ stephany writes

ah! i hate picking only 10. i love all you lovely, bloggers! don't forget to check out my other loves [a work in progress]