May 2, 2011

spring fever week5

Life's Journey with a Smile

this week's questions:
  1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
  2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
  3. It's May! What were your victories in April? Challenges?
  4. Do you have any plans for the challenge in May?
  5. Fun Question: What is your favourite type of ethnic cuisine?
question 1: (1) kept my glass and water bottle full :) i was actually so parched on tuesday that i drank two full water bottles worth of water! sunday was a bit more of a struggle since i didn't walk or play wii like intended (3) not an easy week, but i still got out on time more often than not. i'm calling it a victory (4) i switched around my to do list to compensate for weekends away. so this weekend had a lot of filing, two years worth of documents. i really need to stop falling behind. it took me eleven hours to get through it all. luckily, i had skins s3 and arrested development s1 to keep me company :) i have one stack left to sort, and one stack to shred (5) i came in under budget on gas (thanks for the tank, neal), groceries and miscellaneous charges. so what did i do? i spent some more money. i'm still under, but the cushion isn't as nice :p getting creative with the groceries was definitely interesting and time consuming (6) i pulled two recipes from doniree that i am really looking forward to trying. jesse found one from the food network that included egg and mustard. ve-to

question 2: i bought myself issues 1-8 of amory wars: iksse3. can't wait to read them! next i'll have to track down sstb vol 1-2, the revamp. i have the originals with the first illustrator. i'm debating if i'll also pick up good apollo since it was a single issue, not sure how it fits in the story. so glad comics aren't expensive compared to other stuff i spend money on :)

question 3: i'm surprised that i managed to cross every item off my list last month. getting my water in is moderately easier overall, but there are still days i have to force myself to remember to finish. it's not that i'm not thirsty, i just don't think about it until later in the day. i really need to work on that these next two weeks. it will not be pleasant if i have to choke down four glasses at once right before bed :p also completing my to do list is a bit hard. i'm still not making time (or setting aside enough time) to get things done by their deadlines. i usually end up needing a couple extra days, which is why i had to put deadlines on everything in the first place. nothing was getting done because i kept putting them off

question 4: i'm not taking a class this summer (woot!) so i'll have evenings free to play some games, read some books and make my way through my netflix queue. i can also put more energy in to meeting these goals. i'm stepping it up a notch mid-month: increasing water and bumping up my "get out of the house" time. i'll also have more time to work through my crazy to do list. i'm actually looking forward to it

question 5: love love love asian foods. chinese, japanese, thai or indian. i want it all :) one order of drunken noodles, chicken & broccoli, sushi and naan please [random aside: i wonder if people in other countries categorize american as "ethnic" food]

via food network
happy early cinco de mayo :) dunno if i'll be celebrating on thursday, but i do have plans out on friday. yay margaritas!

{follow my progress and all the weekly questions}