August 27, 2010

i was minding my business

and then my day exploded with awesome! MC had her baby yesterday, and he's the cutest little pudgeball born this week ;) i'm getting so excited about the other births coming up... AND glass gave me my own little invite code with 50 invites

my own invite code *dies*

if you were paying attention yesterday, i gushed about my new laptop (now known as cillianmurphy), scott pilgrim and glass. the super awesome jenn must have shared my post because suddenly there was an email from the head of marketing this afternoon. andrew reminded me of the awesome videos that describe glass and a post about what's happening with chrome. so go watch some videos ("run jogger run" is a personal fave). then click here and enter "mcschoon" (not case sensitive). whether you want to use it like virtual post its or want to take stumbling a step further, i think you'll like what's going on

and seriously if you join and want to start sharing, add me! i like puppy pictures and star trek jokes and long walks on the beach... ;)

ps: i hope you know that glass/border stylo is not compensating me for saying wonderful things about them. they truly are this amazing in my personal opinion. can't wait til my glass tee comes in :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Star Trek post made me laugh out LOUD!! :D Sci five!

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