- What have you achieved towards your goals this week?
- What have you done to make yourself feel fabulous?
- This is week 9 and the final week of the challenge! Is there anything you want to really push to achieve now?
- How have you felt through the challenge? Has anything been more difficult than you thought? Anything easier?
- Fun Question of the Week: Where do you fit in your family? Are you a middle child for example? How does that affect your “place” in the family?
question 2: nothing to feel fabulous, but i can tell you what i did to feel completely unfabulous. i drank a shit ton at a "survive the hurricane" party. well, the hurricane that wasn't. irene was down to tropical storm levels by the time she reached us *shrug* i paid for my over indulgence yesterday, spending most of the day in my jammies on the couch. though, leslie and i had a most delicious hangover breakfast once the power returned. cheese scrambled eggs, toast, homemade home fries and beer brats :)
question 3: no one thing over the others; they're all still equally important. i need to work harder on the fitness and water goals though
question 4: that's a tough one to answer. each goal has had it's hard and easy moments over the last couple months. various things have gotten in the way, including myself, but i knew there would be struggling. that's why i chose these goals in the first place. i know these are my problem areas, and i just have to keep working on them
question 5: i'm the oldest of three. not sure how much that really affects me. i got to do things first, but my parents had the same standards and expectations of all of us. we're all spoiled, even though my sister takes the most advantage of it. i consider myself the most responsible and reliable, but we each have our moments *shrug*
this is the text for my child & adolescent psych course. i am so fucking excited about classes this semester. child psychology is my ultimate focus so this class means more than anything else. i'm not a huge fan of group therapy, but i'm interested to learn proper technique and such. it's going to be an insanely intense semester, but i'm looking forward to the challenge :)
{follow my progress and all the weekly questions}